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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On Trayvon Martin

Are we reactionary or pro-active?  

By Cathy Cross Hawley

So why did the Trayvon Martin verdict surprise so many people?  When you sit back and think about it, have things really changed or are things the same and just camouflaged under different names?  Do we realize how things add up? 

George Zimmerman’s step-dad is a retired judge.  Hello? Do you think for one minute favors weren’t called in. If George Zimmerman was part of a “Neighborhood Watch” than how come he took matters in to his own hands and decided to do more than watch. Wasn’t George the aggressor in this instance? Didn’t he get out of his vehicle and pursue Trayvon?

You had a jury made of five white females and one other, who I assume was African-American and/or Latino. This wasn’t a balanced jury. 

African-Americans missed the opportunity

We should have hit the pavement during jury selection and called for a racially balanced jury.  Long before this horrific incident, we should have called for a repeal of the “Stand Your Ground” law.  If  Zimmerman was dead and Trayvon said he was the neighborhood watch who stood his ground, do you really think Trayvon would have been acquitted of charges?  
I can tell you, no. He would have been found guilty of all charges. So really nothing has changed. Racism is alive and well and goes by the name of “Stand Your Ground.”  Trayvon, Rest in Peace and, at some point in time, George Zimmerman must meet his maker and answer to all his mis-doings.


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